titlepage: title: "Title Page" url: "titlepage.html" link: "Title Page" tocpage: title: "Table of Contents" url: "tocpage.html" link: "Table of Contents" doc_deeplearning_intro: title: "Introduction" url: "doc_deeplearning_intro.html" link: "Introduction" doc_deeplearning_site: title: "Sites" url: "doc_deeplearning_site.html" link: "Sites" doc_deeplearning_paper: title: "Papers" url: "doc_deeplearning_paper.html" link: "Papers" doc_deeplearning_video: title: "Video lectures" url: "doc_deeplearning_video.html" link: "Video lectures" doc_caffe_intro: title: "Introduction" url: "doc_caffe_intro.html" link: "Introduction" doc_caffe_install_ubuntu1404: title: "Installation Ubuntu 14.04" url: "doc_caffe_install_ubuntu1404.html" link: "Installation Ubuntu 14.04" doc_caffe_install_ubuntu1204: title: "Installation Ubuntu 12.04" url: "doc_caffe_install_ubuntu1204.html" link: "Installation Ubuntu 12.04" doc_caffe_install_windows: title: "Installation Windows 7 64bit" url: "doc_caffe_install_windows.html" link: "Installation Windows 7 64bit" doc_caffe_install_mac: title: "Installation Mac 10.10" url: "doc_caffe_install_mac.html" link: "Installation Mac 10.10" doc_caffe_example_1hellocaffe: title: "C++ Example 1. Hello Caffe" url: "doc_caffe_example_1hellocaffe.html" link: "C++ Example 1. Hello Caffe" doc_caffe_example_2blob: title: "C++ Example 2. Blob" url: "doc_caffe_example_2blob.html" link: "C++ Example 2. Blob" doc_caffe_example_3mnist: title: "C++ Example 3. MNIST Dataset (with Python)" url: "doc_caffe_example_3mnist.html" link: "C++ Example 3. MNIST Dataset (with Python)" doc_caffe_example_4layer: title: "C++ Example 4. Layer" url: "doc_caffe_example_4layer.html" link: "C++ Example 4. Layer" doc_caffe_example_5logreg: title: "C++ Example 5. LogReg with MNIST" url: "doc_caffe_example_5logreg.html" link: "C++ Example 5. LogReg with MNIST" doc_tensorflow_intro: title: "Introduction" url: "doc_tensorflow_intro.html" link: "Introduction" doc_tensorflow_install: title: "Installation" url: "doc_tensorflow_install.html" link: "Installation" doc_tensorflow_tutorial_mnist: title: "Tutorial MNIST" url: "doc_tensorflow_tutorial_mnist.html" link: "Tutorial MNIST" doc_application_intro: title: "Introduction" url: "doc_application_intro.html" link: "Introduction" doc_tooltip_ipython: title: "iPhthon Notebook" url: "doc_tooltip_ipython.html" link: "iPhthon Notebook"